The Singular Door

The Singular Door is a passage - a means of entrance - where, as C.S. Lewis said, "The inside is bigger than the outside." Since all doors lead somewhere, a singular door leads to a singular place, where the beginning and end meet, where God is. Come on in!

Location: Columbia, Maryland, United States

I believe the church is the extension of Jesus' body on earth. To be a Christian is to be a revolutionary - to see the world as God does, and to be an agent of change, seeking to care for the earth, to make the world a better place to live, to bring all people together in harmony, and to care for the weak. To be a Christian is to know God the Father and Jesus His Son and to accept the grace and love offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is the singular door. Come on in!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The tyranny of the minority...

has too often been my experience in the Christian Church over my 60+ years. What do I mean?

Believers who have been Christians for a number of years and active members of the church for most or all of that time come to a certain understanding of the "faith." They become rooted and grounded in the scripture and after a while become more or less closed to change. Their faith relationship to God and Jesus Christ doesn't change or grow. They become content, satisfied, and comfortable in their Christian life. And it is most likely that they surround themselves with like-minded people, including preachers and teachers.

Then someone comes along - maybe a preacher or teacher or just another believer - with a different point of view. Suddenly the comfortable one become uncomfortable. He (or she) has built so much of their faith on things "unchangeable" that any variation to that belief must be wrong and opposed at every step. (Note: I am not speaking of the essentials of the Christian faith, but peripheral beliefs and traditions.) The trouble is, many of his/her fellow members are open to new things and see the changes as positive. These people may eventually become the majority and desire to move forward. But, the minority are having no part of it. Now we have controversy.

The church leaders are in a quandary. They may even be on the side of change, but because of these vocal opponents, they defer any action hoping in time that the whole body can become united in its approach and life. Their reasoning is usually: "Is the change really necessary? and if we act, won't that push some people away and cause disunity?"

The problem with this thinking is that it is generally the older and more experienced members of the church who are the intracktable minority. The very ones who should be open to the Lord and to growth are the very ones who hold on for dear life to non-essentials and in the process prevent others from growing! The tyranny of the minority.

I have been in the Church of Jesus Christ all my life. And the Lord has continually challenged and changed my life and my faith. If you asked me how I have grown/changed in the last 5, 10, or 20 years I would have no trouble responding. I believe if I am not growing (changing?), I am not listening to the Lord or to His word.

But ask one of these minority how they have grown/changed and they will probably say they have the same faith now they had then. Indeed, they may even be proud of the fact that they haven't changed. "Gimme that old time religion!" "It was good enough for Grandpa; its good enough for me!" Is this what Peter had in mind when he said to believers: "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ?" (II Peter 3:18) Or Paul, when he said, also to believers: "That the eyes of your heart may be enlightened..." (Eph.1:18) and "That you may be able to comprehend..." (Eph.3:18) and "Not that I have already attained it...but I press on." Phil.3:12)

Many things cause church divisions and splits. I have been involved in two such circumstances. They are unpleasant and ungodly because they divide what should be one, i.e. the body of Christ. Yet, in both situations, there were a minority of people who wouldn't listen to or dialogue with others, but stood frozen in place, refusing to budge. And the issues were not about the gospel or the person and work of Jesus Christ, but about less important matters. When was the last time you heard of a church split over the gospel? How childish are we?

What is God doing in your life? What is God doing in your church's life? He is working, you know. He is seeking to bring His Kingdom to the earth, to show to all the world that Jesus died and rose for them, that He is a God of grace and love, and that in Him we have an eternal future. So as God speaks and moves, we listen and discern His voice through the filter of the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Then we act.

I suggest that if we run into a minority opinion, we dialogue, we listen, and then we move in the direction God is calling. Anything less is to allow the minority to prevent what God wants to do.

What do you think?




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